Renewable energy, financial globalization and load capacity factor in the US: Ecological neutrality in the context of natural resources
Journal Article

The United States (US) as the second leading economy in global ecological pollution has become a fertile ground for a rigorous analysis of the ecological neutrality using load capacity factor (LCF) and carbon-based consumption (CCO2). This is important for the global drive of achieving environmental sustainability by 2050. The LCF is one of the most comprehensive ecological proxies that incorporate the biocapacity and ecological footprint. In this context, this research examines the effect of natural resources, technological innovation, renewable energy and financial globalization on ecological neutrality in the US for the date spanning from 1990 to 2021. Using the novel augmented auto-regressive distributive lag (AARDL) model, the empirical findings of this study indicate that (i) natural resources, renewable energy, and technological innovation promote ecological neutrality by increasing LCF and decreasing CCO2 emissions; (ii) financial globalization and economic growth mitigate the LCF and increase CCO2 emissions; and (iii) a causal effect is observed among technological innovation, natural resources, renewable energy, CCO2 and LCF. In light of the findings, this study recommends several crucial measures for ecological neutrality targets set out in sustainable development goals (SDGs) 7 and 13, respectively.

Hamza Almassri, (08-2024), United States: Geological Journal, 0 1-16

Revisiting the finance-growth nexus in Hong Kong: fresh insights from nonparametric analysis
Journal Article


Since financial sector plays a critical economic role in Hong Kong, the current research aims to comprehensively analyze the association between financial development and economic growth in the country to draw correct conclusions about the impact that financial sector's development has on the growth of the economy. This requires both using of more comprehensive data that includes all or nearly all elements of the country's financial sector and utilizing advanced econometrics techniques to provide more reliable evidence based on the findings. In the study, both issues have been addressed more academically to aid the relevant authorities better.


This study empirically examines the financial development-economic growth nexus in Hong Kong employing data covering 1980–2019. The quantile-on-quantile (QQ) approach of Sim and Zhou (2015) is utilized to investigate certain subtle aspects of the association linking financial development and economic growth. In addition, the authors benefit from applying the nonlinear Granger causality test of Diks and Panchenko (2006) to assess the variables' nexus in a nonlinear manner.


In contrast to the evidence of a unidirectional linkage documented in many related studies, the empirical findings suggest that a bi-directional relationship exists between financial development and economic growth for Hong Kong. This is a helpful input for the relevant policymakers and implies that they can set appropriate policies and regulations to balance financial development and economic growth in this country.

Hamza Almassri, (01-2023), United Kingdom: Journal of Economic Studies, 50 (5), 1073-1083

Using Segmentation and Classification Techniques on Dermoscopic Images for Skin Cancer Detection
Journal Article

Melanoma is one of the fatal forms of skin cancer, and has become more common, especially among white-skinned people exposed to the sun. Early detection of melanoma is essential to increase survival rates, since its detection in an early stage can be helpful and curable. Working out the dermoscopic clinical features of melanoma is an important step for dermatologists, who need an accurate way of reaching the correct clinical diagnosis, and to ensure the right area gets the right treatment. In this paper, we present a comprehensive approach including image enhancement, segmentation of lesions and melanoma detection, to allow for early detection of malignant melanoma disease. As an image enhancement, the Gabor filter, image sharpening, Sobel filter and image inpainting methods are integrated to delete unwanted objects (noise). The lesion border segmentation is performed by combining the Particle Swarm Optimization and the Markov Random Field approaches. To be able to determine the lesions types, the K-means is applied on the segmented lesion, to separate it into homogeneous clusters, where important features are extracted, then an Artificial Neural Network is trained by representative features to classify the given lesion as melanoma or not. The whole experimental results obtained on a public database PH2 and compared with existing methods in the literature have shown that our proposed approach is accurate, robust, and efficient in the segmentation of the lesion boundary, as well as its classification.

Khalid Ahmad A Eltayef, (12-2022), كلية المحاسبة جامعة غريان: مجلة دراسات في المال والأعمال, 14 (14), 161-188

اختبار التأثير المشترك للاعلان عن الارباح وتوزيعات الارباح النقدية على عوائد الاسهم
مقال في مجلة علمية

استهدفت هذه الدراسة اختبار ما إذا كان هناك تأثير مشترك للإعلان عن الأرباح وتوزيعات الأرباح النقدية على عوائد الأسهم  بسوق عمان للأوراق المالية ، وقد اتبعت الدراسة منهجية "دراسة الحدث " التي تقوم على أساس دراسة تأثير الأحداث المختلفة على أسواق الأوراق المالية ، حيث اختبرت الدراسة التأثير المشترك للأرباح وتوزيعات الأرباح النقدية المعلنة بالتقارير المالية على عوائد الأسهم ، لما مجموعه ( 156 ) مشاهدة لعينة مكونة من ( 52 ) شركة مساهمة مسجلة في سوق عمان للأوراق المالية خلال الفترة الزمنية الممــتدة مــن ( 2016 إلى 2018 )، كمــا حددت الـدراســة مــدة ( ( 321 يــوم كفتـرة    ( للتقدير و الاختبار ) منها ( 300 ) يوم تم من خلالها تقدير معالم نموذج الانحدار البسيط اللازم للاختبار وحددت فترة ( 21 ) يوم كفترة للاختبار مقسمة إلى ( 10 ) أيام قبل تاريخ الحدث و ( 10) أيام بعده ، إضافة إلى يوم الحدث نفســه وهــو تاريخ الإعلان عن ( الأرباح وتوزيعات الأرباح النقدية )، وقد قام الباحثان بتقسيم العينة إلى مجموعات وفقاً إلى اتجاه التغير ( موجب ، صفري ، سالب ) في قيمة الأرباح وتوزيعات الأرباح النقدية، ومن خلال التحليل استنتجت الدراسة أن كلا من الأرباح وتوزيعات الأرباح تستطيع بحد ذاتها أن تؤثر في العوائد الغير عادية للأسهم ، بالإضافة إلى أن هناك تأثير مشترك معنوي في الحالات التي تعزز فيها التغيرات في الأرباح وتوزيعات الأرباح النقدية كل منهما الأخر حيث تكون العوائد الغير عادية اكبر عندما يتغير هذين المتغيرين ( الأرباح وتوزيعات الأرباح النقدية ) معا في نفس الاتجاه مقارنة بالحالات التي يتغير فيها هذين المتغيرين في اتجاهات معاكسة .

صالح امحمد صالح عبادي، المهدي مصطفي البشير ابوشليشة، (12-2021)، مجلة الجبل للعلوم التطبيقية والانسانية: مجلة الجبل للعلوم التطبيقة والانسانية، 8 (1)، 93-124

Does financial development promote growth in Kuwait? time- and frequency- domain causality testing
Journal Article

The present study endeavors to explore the dynamic causal relationship between economic growth and financial development in Kuwait, covering the time span between 1991 and 2017. Based on the objective of presenting robust results in relation to the research focus, a combination of time and frequency-domain methodologies has been applied. Using the Toda–Yamamoto and the Fourier Toda–Yamamoto time-domain techniques, no causal direction is found through the former test, while the causality flowing from financial development to economic growth is demonstrated by the latter. Nevertheless, the spectral causality test developed by Breitung and Candelon [(2006). “Testing for short- and long-run causality: A frequency-domain approach.” Journal of Econometrics 132 (2): 363–378.] gives a more thorough overview of the dynamic causal relationships because it allows the temporary and permanent movements in the linkages between variables to be differentiated. The findings show proof of a bidirectional causality between financial development and economic growth. Our findings highlight the emphasis on covering the frequency causality to provide greater insight into the interrelationship between the variables under consideration.

Hamza Almassri, (05-2020), United Kingdom: The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 29 (8), 952-972

Automatic annotation of retinal layers in optical coherence tomography images
Journal Article

Early diagnosis of retinal OCT images has been shown to curtail blindness and visual impairments. However, the advancement of ophthalmic imaging technologies produces an ever-growing scale of retina images, both in volume and variety, which overwhelms the ophthalmologist ability to segment these images. While many automated methods exist, speckle noise and intensity inhomogeneity negatively impacts the performance of these methods. We present a comprehensive and fully automatic method for annotation of retinal layers in OCT images comprising of fuzzy histogram hyperbolisation (FHH) and graph cut methods to segment 7 retinal layers across 8 boundaries. The FHH handles speckle noise and inhomogeneity in the preprocessing step. Then the normalised vertical image gradient, and it’s inverse to represent image intensity in calculating two adjacency matrices and then the FHH reassigns the edge-weights to make edges along retinal boundaries have a low cost, and graph cut method identifies the shortest-paths (layer boundaries). The method is evaluated on 150 B-Scan images, 50 each from the temporal, foveal and nasal regions were used in our study. Promising experimental results have been achieved with high tolerance and adaptability to contour variance and pathological inconsistency of the retinal layers in all (temporal, foveal and nasal) regions. The method also achieves high accuracy, sensitivity, and Dice score of 0.98360, 0.9692 and 0.9712, respectively in segmenting the retinal nerve fibre layer. The annotation can facilitate eye examination by providing accurate results. The integration of the vertical gradients into the graph cut framework, which captures the unique characteristics of retinal structures, is particularly useful in finding the actual minimum paths across multiple retinal layer boundaries. Prior knowledge plays an integral role in image segmentation.

Khalid Ahmad A Eltayef, (11-2019), Journal of Medical Systems: Springer, 336 (43), 25-40

Min-cut segmentation of retinal oct images
Conference paper

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is one of the most vital tools for diagnosing and tracking progress of medication of various retinal disorders. Many methods have been proposed to aid with the analysis of retinal images due to the intricacy of retinal structures, the tediousness of manual segmentation and variation from different specialists. However image artifacts, in addition to inhomogeneity in pathological structures, remain a challenge, with negative influence on the performance of segmentation algorithms. In this paper we present an automatic retinal layer segmentation method, which comprises of fuzzy histogram hyperbolization and graph cut methods. We impose hard constraints to limit search region to sequentially segment 8 boundaries and 7 layers of the retina on 150 OCT B-Sans images, 50 each from the temporal, nasal and center of foveal regions. Our method shows positive results, with additional tolerance and adaptability to contour variance and pathological inconsistence of the retinal structures in all regions.

Khalid Ahmad A Eltayef, (08-2019), 11th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2018, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal: Springer, 86-99

Graph-Cut Segmentation of Retinal Layers from OCT Images.
Conference paper

The segmentation of various retinal layers is vital for diagnosing and tracking progress of medication of various ocular diseases. Due to the complexity of retinal structures, the tediousness of manual segmentation and variation from different specialists, many methods have been proposed to aid with this analysis. However image artifacts, in addition to inhomogeneity in pathological structures, remain a challenge, with negative influence on the performance of segmentation algorithms. Previous attempts normally pre-process the images or model the segmentation to handle the obstruction but it still remains an area of active research, especially in relation to the graph based algorithms. In this paper we present an automatic retinal layer segmentation method, which is comprised of fuzzy histogram hyperbolization and graph cut methods to segment 8 boundaries and 7 layers of the retina on 150 OCT B-Sans images, 50 each from the temporal, nasal and centre of foveal region. Our method shows positive results, with additional tolerance and adaptability to contour variance and pathological inconsistency of the retinal structures in all regions.

Khalid Ahmad A Eltayef, (01-2018), 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018: SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology, 35-42

Skin cancer detection in dermoscopy images using sub-region features
Conference paper

In the medical field, the identification of skin cancer (Malignant Melanoma) in dermoscopy images is still a challenging task for radiologists and researchers. Due to its rapid increase, the need for decision support systems to assist the radiologists to detect it in early stages becomes essential and necessary. Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems have significant potential to increase the accuracy of its early detection. Typically, CAD systems use various types of features to characterize skin lesions. The features are often concatenated into one vector (early fusion) to represent the image. In this paper, we present a novel method for melanoma detection from images. First the lesions are segmented by combining Particle Swarm Optimization and Markov Random Field methods. Then the K-means is applied on the segmented lesions to separate them into homogeneous clusters, from which important features are extracted. Finally, an Artificial Neural Network with Radial Basis Function is applied for the detection of melanoma. The method was tested on 200 dermoscopy images. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieved higher accuracy in terms of melanoma detection, compared to alternative methods.

Khalid Ahmad A Eltayef, (10-2017), 16th International Symposium, IDA 2017, London, UK: Springer, 75-86

Lesion Segmentation in Dermoscopy Images Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Markov Random Field
Conference paper

Malignant melanoma is one of the most rapidly increasing cancers globally and it is the most dangerous form of human skin cancer. Dermoscopy is one of the major imaging modalities used in the diagnosis of melanoma. Early detection of melanoma can be helpful and usually curable. Due to the difficulty for dermatologists in the interpretation of dermoscopy images, Computer Aided Diagnosis systems can be very helpful to facilitate the early detection. The automated detection of the lesion borders is one of the most important steps in dermoscopic image analysis. In this paper, we present a fully automated method for melanoma border detection using image processing techniques. The hair and several noises aredetected and removed by applying a bank of directional filters and Image Inpainting method respectively. A hybrid method is developed by combining Particle Swarm Optimization and Markov Random Field methods, in order to delineate the border of the lesion area in the images. The method was tested on a dataset of 200 dermoscopic images, and the experimental results show that our method is superior in terms of the accuracy of drawing the lesion borders compared to alternative methods.

Khalid Ahmad A Eltayef, (06-2017), 2017 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS): IEEE, 739-744

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